
Week 1

John Patty & Maggie Penn

Patty, John W. and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. Analyzing Big Data: Social Choice and Measurement

Gailmard, Sean, John W. Patty, and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. Manipulation and Single-Peakedness: A General Result

Patty, John W and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. Measuring Fairness, Inequality, and Big Data: Social Choice Since Arrow

Chouldechova, Alexandra. Fair prediction with disparate impact: A study of bias in recidivism prediction instruments


Patty, John W. and Elizabeth Maggie PennAlgorithms, Incentives, and Democracy

Patty, John W and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. Algorithmic Fairness and Statistical Discrimination

Patty, John W. and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. Ban the Box? Information, Incentives,and Statistical Discrimination

Coate, Stephen and Glenn C. Loury.Will Affirmative-Action Policies Eliminate Negative Stereotypes?

 Monika Nalepa

Gerring “Case Study Research” CUP 2017, chapters 3,5 and 6.

Nalepa and Piotrowska “Clean sweep or picking out the bad apples,” unpublished manuscript University of Chicago

Pre-analysis plan “Relative effects of politicization and competence on trust in the police” OSF

Recommended: Gibbons, R.  Applied Game Theory Ch. 4 

 Kris Ramsay

Canen and Ramsay. Quantifying Theory in Politics: Identification, Interpretation and the Role of Structural Methods. 

 Gibilisco, M. 2023. Mowing the Grass

Week 2

Scott Tyson & Tara Slough 

Bueno de Mesquita, Ethan and Scott A. Tyson "The Commensurability Problem: Conceptual Difficulties in Estimating the Effect of Behavior on Behavior" 

Slough, Tara and Scott A. Tyson "External Validity and Meta-Analysis." 
Slough, Tara and Scott A. Tyson "Replication, Sign-Congruence and External Validity" link
Slough, Tara and Scott A. Tyson External Validity and Evidence Accumulation pre-print

Week 3

Kai Ou

[1] Feddersen, T.J. and Pesendorfer, W., 1996. The swing voter's curse. American Economic Review, pp.408-424.

[2] Battaglini, M., Morton, R.B. and Palfrey, T.R., 2010. The swing voter's curse in the laboratory. Review of Economic Studies77(1), pp.61-89.

[3] Baron, D.P. and Ferejohn, J.A., 1989. Bargaining in legislatures. American Political Science Review83(4), pp.1181-1206.

[4] Frechette, G.R., Kagel, J.H. and Lehrer, S.F., 2003. Bargaining in legislatures: An experimental investigation of open versus closed amendment rules. American Political Science Review97(2), pp.221-232.

[5] Battaglini, M., Lai, E.K., Lim, W. and Wang, J.T.Y., 2019. The informational theory of legislative committees: An experimental analysis. American Political Science Review113(1), pp.55-76.

[6] Großer, J. and Palfrey, T.R., 2014. Candidate entry and political polarization: An antimedian voter theorem. American Journal of Political Science58(1), pp.127-143.

[7] Großer, J. and Palfrey, T.R., 2019. Candidate entry and political polarization: An experimental study. American Political Science Review113(1), pp.209-225.

[8] Woon, J., 2018. Primaries and candidate polarization: behavioral theory and experimental evidence. American Political Science Review112(4), pp.826-843.

[9] Ou, K., 2024. Race to the Top: How Competition for Political Power Affects Participation. The Journal of Politics86(1), pp.305-320.

[10] Morton, R. and Williams, K., 2010. Formal theory and causality. From Nature to the Lab: The Methodology of Experimental Political Science and the Study of Causality, pp.196-250.

[11] Palfrey, T.R., 2016. Experiments in political economy. The Handbook of Experimental Economics, 2, pp.347-434.

David Siegel

Siegel, 2018, American Journal of Political Science, "Analyzing Computational Models" 

Allison Stashko

Stashko, Allison. 2023. Crossing the District Line: Border Mismatch and Targeted Redistribution. 

Bouton et al. 2023. Pack-Crack-Pack: Gerrymandering with Differential Turnout. 

Jason Anastasopoulos

 Anastasopoulos, L. J. & Whitford, A. B. (2019). Machine Learning for Public Administration Research, With Application to Organizational Reputation. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory

Faculty Fellows

Jack Paine

Paine, J. The Threat-Enhancing Effect of Authoritarian Power Sharing

Meng, A., Paine, J. and Powell, R. Authoritarian Power Sharing: Concepts, Mechanisms, and Strategies

Alexander Tolbert

Tolbert, A. W., & Diana, E. (2023). Correcting Underrepresentation and Intersectional Bias for Fair Classification. 

Diana, E., Tolbert, A. W., Ravichandran, K., & Blum, A. (2024). Adaptive Algorithmic Interventions for Escaping Pessimism Traps in Dynamic Sequential Decisions. 

Tolbert AW. 2024. Causal Agnosticism About Race: Variable Selection Problems in Causal InferencePhilosophy of Science