
The Institute combines lectures on various facets of EITM approaches, lab instruction sessions, research seminars by leading scholars, and rich feedback for participants on their own ongoing research from lead faculty, faculty mentors and other participants. Instruction is Monday through Friday, with the exception of July 4.


View readings for instruction sessions.


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Faculty Schedule

Week 1: Overview, program philosophy, model building, measurement & aggregation. 

Faculty instructors: John Patty, Monika Nalepa, Maggie Penn, Kris Ramsay

Week 2: Model building for causal explanation

Faculty instructors: Sean Gailmard, Scott Tyson, Tara Slough, Emily Sellars

Week 3: New models and tools, and closing conference

Faculty instructors: Kai Ou, Justin Grimmer, David Siegel, Allison Stashko

Daily schedule at EITM:

Breakfast on own
9:30 - 11:30 Morning session: faculty lecture
11:30 - 12:00 Lunch break
12:00 - 1:30 Student presentations (during lunch)
1:30 - 2:00 Coffee break, meetings with faculty
2:00 - 3:30 Afternoon session: faculty lecture
3:30 - 5:00 Individual meetings with faculty lecturers, group work
6:00 - 8:00 Small-group dinner with faculty lecturers

Lead Lecturers

  • Sean Gailmard 

  • Maggie Penn

  • John Patty

  • Scott Tyson

  • Tara Slough

  • Emily Sellars 

  • Monika Nalepa

  • Justin Grimmer

  • David Siegel

  • Allison Stashko

Faculty Fellows

  • Miguel Rueda

  • Kevin Quinn

  • Alexander Tolbert

  • Bernard Fraga

  • Jeff Staton

  • Jack Paine

  • Jessica Sun

  • Danielle Jung

  • Allison Cuttner

  • Jason Anastasopoulus

  • Pablo Montagnes


Saturday, July 13, 2024